This weekend we had lots of special visitors! Buddy, Aaron, and Linds drove up on Friday and we had a BBQ dinner at Papa J's and Nana V's. Rory skipped school on Friday and spent all day with Nana V. I just know she loved it! :) Then on Saturday I had to work the Spring Fling at my school so Nana V and Linds took Rory for a visit to Great Grandma Connie and Great Grandpa Dicks. I just know she loved that too! Saturday Cooper and Merezie came to visit too and then everyone came over and we grilled fajitas on the back porch. It was a wonderful weekend! I love both sides of our families so much! xoxo
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Family Fun Weekend
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Rory had her first week at school. She did a wonderful job and her teachers marked happy, friendly, and curious on her daily sheet for everyday. I only cried one day and it was just for a brief moment I think PMS had something to do with it. Not looking forward to those days again. ha ha. I have my two good friends Mrs. Kelli and Ms. Garcia checking on her for me when I am unable to leave the class. (my secret spies) Her teacher Mrs. Flori is wonderful! I was also so proud of Rory for not screaming in her car seat all week! She is such a good girl. :)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Britni and Brian's Wedding Weekend
We went to Georgetown this weekend for one of my best friends Britni's wedding. It was a great time.....and so much fun. Papaw and Carlene watched Rory both nights. (what would we do without so many grandparents to help us) Thank you so much Papaw and Carlene. Greg and I had so much fun and the wedding was gorgeous.....also Uncle Buddy met Rory for the first time....he said, "she's a keeper." Rory is so loved and we can't tell you how blessed we feel! And as of last week Rory now sleeps in her own room in her crib. She usually only wakes up once during the night for a feeding and then she goes right back to sleep. She is such a big girl!!!
Easter Weekend
We had a wonderful first Easter. The Saturday beforeEaster we went over to Papa J's and Nana V's for a BBQ dinner. Great Grandma Connie and Great Grandpa Dick were also there. Rory received her first Easter baskets and she loved all the attention and lovin. On Sunday, Greg had to work so we didnt make it to church that morning. I was too nervous to take Rory by myself. But I did cook a lunch with Roast, potatoes, green beans, and rolls. It was very delicous and I was so proud of myself because I never cook. We are so thankful that God blessed us with Rory...she really is a gift from heaven. :)
First Night Out---SUSHI, BEERS, and BOOKS! :)
My Mom came to visit us the Thursday before Easter.....she needed her Rory fix. :) Greg and I decided to take advantage and hit the town....well, not really since we were home by 8pm. But we went out for Sushi and then hit Borders to browse the books. It was nice to get dressed up and have some alone time. Thank you Mimi.....we love you!
Back to Work- THANK YOU NANA V!
Thank you Nana V....we love you!!
I went back to work last week. It wasn't bad and it was nice to see all my students and friends at work. Having Nana V watch Rory all week also made the transition so smooth. Thank you Nana V...You are the best and we love you so much. Rory starts school tommorrow and I am a little nervous....she will be right next door to my class so I can check on her anytime I want but I think this week will be harder than last week. :(
Sunday, April 4, 2010
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