Monday, May 31, 2010
Why I love the weekends........
My favorite part of the weekends is going to pick Rory up out of her crib in the mornings. During the week we usually have to leave the house by i have to wake Rory up so we can go to school/work. (she usually isnt to happy about being awakend from her deep sleep) On the weekends she usually sleeps till 8am....she wakes up and will coo in her crib. When I go in to get her she smiles the biggest smile and starts to laugh....IT IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD and my favorite thing about the weekends. I am so blessed to be Rory's mommy!
Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
Well this weekend was filled with sickness. No Fun! Last Tuesday Rory would drink her bottle and then started having a coughing fit and throw it back up. We took her to the doctor and he said she had an ear infection...lots of puss in her ears. He said that was what was making her cough etc. Poor Baby! He also decided to switch her to soy milk to see if that would help with her spitting up (she spits up all the time.) He prescribed an antibiotic and said that would cause diarrhea but that the soy would cause constipation. (Boy did it ever) It was so sad....she was trying to go to the bathroom all day....she was crying and grunting and she just couldnt get anything out. We decided to switch back to regular formula immediately and the next day we were so happy to see a dirty diaper. Rory was doing better...however Saturday afternoon all of a sudden i was achy and could barely swallow. I had a fever of 102...i am pretty sure it is strep. Last night I think my fever broke because I woke up to wet sheets and my hair was soaking wet from sweat. Feeling better today...just a little bit of a sore throat and hard to swallow. Greg had to work all weekend....5am till 7pm....i love being a superintendents wife...but not the summer hours. We miss him so much!
Happy Memorial Day!!! Remember all those who have served our country....Grandpa Chet and Grandpa Dick!
And two of my brothers good friends James and Lee who are right now serving our country in Afghanistan!
Thank you for being our heroes!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
New Camera + Beautiful Baby = lots of pictures
Happy Birthday to ME!!!
On my actual birthday (Monday)...Nana V and Papa J came over to babysit Rory while Greg and I went out to eat. We went to a new Sushi was delicous. Then we went to Target and bought a new camera......I am so excited!!!!! It takes gorgeous is a picture of us before we went out to dinner. Thank you to Dad,Carlene,Nana V, Papa J, Linds, Aaron, and Grandma Mae......all of your birthday gifts contributed to buying my dream camera. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!! Greg also bought my favorite little cakes from Nothing Bundt Cakes! Delicious.... It was a great birthday! I am so blessed.
Birthday Weekend.....
Rieckoff and Buddy and some delicous steaks!
Dad and I :)
This weekend we headed to Georgetown for relaxing, swimming, grilling, and family fun time. It was great! On Friday night my dad grilled delicous steaks and Buddy Boy came over and his good friend Rieckoff that we havent seen in a while. It was a great time. Rory went to sleep very early and missed all the festivities....but we had a great time visiting on the backporch.
Saturday Greg and I got up early and met my mom at the nursing home where my grandma lives. She was getting over an infection and was on medication so she was very sleepy. She looked great however we are going to try to take Rory to see her again when she is more alert.
Greg is scared of nursing homes so Reagan, my mom, and I had a good time harassing him. Thank you honey for facing your fears! I love you!
The rest of the afternoon we hung around the pool and my dad grilled fajitas! Amanda and Maddie joined us for a few hours too! It was a great Birthday! We celebrated my Dad, Greg, Reagan, Mine, and Carlene's Mom's Birthday! Aunt Linds and Uncle Aaron also had a birthday this month! Happy Birthday we love all of you!!!!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Congratulations to all the Graduates!
This weekend was a great and relaxing weekend.....We watched movies and relaxed. Well Rory and I did....Daddy had to work and did lots of yard work. Thank you Daddy! On Saturday evening we went to my friend Jamie's house to celebrate her graduation from Texas Women's University. There was BBQ and lots of Jamie's friends and family. Rory was absolutely perfect and smiled and cooed and was such a good girl. She amazes me everyday! It was a great weekend. I love going out of town to see friends and family but honestly i could be content just spending every weekend home with Greg, Rory, Toby, and Layla.
Congratulations to Jamie for Graduating from TCU with her degree in Education.
Congratulations to my Cousin Tori for getting her Law Degree from SMU.
Congratulations to Luke for Graduating High School and headed to University of Nebraska!
We love all of you!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Mother's Day!
On Mother's Day we were in Austin so we got to go to my Favorite restaurant Tres Amigos. We celebrated with my mom, Rick, Mere, Cooper, Reagan, and Buddy Boy. It was great having us all together....chaos but Great!!! We are so blessed to have so many mommies in our lives......and I am grateful to have joined the club. This has already been the best 3 months of my life. I have a beautiful healthy sweet Rory and a wonderful husband who treats us both like queens. I couldn't ask for anything more. I am continuously giddy looking forward to seeing her when I am away and giddy just being around her. She makes my heart melt......and I am so thankful to God for bringing her into our lives. :)
Happy Mother's Day! To all the mommies and future mommies out there! :)
Monday, May 10, 2010
Britten and Scott's Wedding :)
This weekend Rick's daughter Britten got married. :) Greg and I drove down on Saturday and got to stop at Lindsey and Aaron's new house for a quick visit! It is so pretty! Then I went to the wedding while Greg watched Rory at my Mom and Rick's house. I came back to pick them up to go to the reception. events really change when you have a little one.
Here is the schedule of what went down....
7:00pm Leave Mom and Rick's
7:10pm Get Halfway to the reception I realize I forgot the bottle.
10 minutes of "should we go back?" "No....she will be fine." "I think we should go back." No it will be fine."
7:20pm Pull up to Valet...Rory starts screaming. "we should go back." Peal out of Valet and head back to the house to get bottle.
7:30pm Rory stops crying halfway back home. "Let's just go back and only stay for an hour and a half....that way we can be home in time to give her a bottle for her next feeding." "Are you sure?" " I don't know what do you think???"
7:35pm Head back to reception without bottle.
7:40pm Pull up to valet...."should we take the car seat?" "I don't know should we." "what do you think?"
7:45pm Rory is sleeping....get to reception. (take car seat)
Go to wrong wedding....
Greg finds my mom and where the right wedding is.....
We sit down eat dinner, visit for a few minutes, Greg has 1 beer.
Rory was wonderful the whole time!
9pm Leave reception...Rory screams the whole way home.
9:25pm Put Rory to sleep. Greg and I watch Father of the Bride and drink a couple of drink's on the porch overlooking Lake Austin. Great ending to a night!
The joys of being new parents.....we don't know what the heck we are doing. ha ha.
The wedding was beautiful! The bridesmaids dresses were gorgeous...and of course so was Britten! The food was delicous! Congratulations to Scott and Britten!
Thank you to Mere and Coopie for watching Toby!
Happy Birthday Greg!
Layla resting her chin on my lap waiting for a drop of cake.....sorry layla lou. :)
Gregory had a pretty low key birthday this year. On his actual birthday....i made a pasta dish. (okay so I heated up some Bertolli and cheese toast) and then we had some birthday cake. It was yummy! We love Bertolli pasta! Then the next day we went out to dinner to BJ's Brewhouse with Nana V and Papa J. :) Rory did wonderful! We have figured out that she will be good for 40 minutes in a restaurant and then we find we are pushing out luck. She did great at BJ's though. Rory also got 4 shots last Tuesday.....she slept with us that night because her legs were so sore and she kept crying. It was so sad. Needless to say Mama didnt get much sleep either. Anyways, Nana V took care of her the next day. Thank you Nana V!
Happy Birthday Babe! We love you!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
The Hammerluns and The Dubois
On Saturday, The Hammerluns and The Dubois got together for shopping and lunch. We then all went over to Amanda and Max's and grilled out for dinner and hung out on the porch. It was a beautiful day. It is so nice living so close to my best friend and raising our kiddos together. We had a wonderful Saturday! :)
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