Rieckoff and Buddy and some delicous steaks!
Dad and I :)
This weekend we headed to Georgetown for relaxing, swimming, grilling, and family fun time. It was great! On Friday night my dad grilled delicous steaks and Buddy Boy came over and his good friend Rieckoff that we havent seen in a while. It was a great time. Rory went to sleep very early and missed all the festivities....but we had a great time visiting on the backporch.
Saturday Greg and I got up early and met my mom at the nursing home where my grandma lives. She was getting over an infection and was on medication so she was very sleepy. She looked great however we are going to try to take Rory to see her again when she is more alert.
Greg is scared of nursing homes so Reagan, my mom, and I had a good time harassing him. Thank you honey for facing your fears! I love you!
The rest of the afternoon we hung around the pool and my dad grilled fajitas! Amanda and Maddie joined us for a few hours too! It was a great Birthday! We celebrated my Dad, Greg, Reagan, Mine, and Carlene's Mom's Birthday! Aunt Linds and Uncle Aaron also had a birthday this month! Happy Birthday we love all of you!!!!
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