Last weekend Rory and I packed up and headed to Georgetown to help host by dear friend, Shannon's, Bridal Shower. We loaded up Thursday morning (I should of packed up the car Wednesday night with Greg's help but I didn't...I will never do that took me almost two hours to load the car up and also trying to keep Miss Rory out of trouble) We spent the night at my Dad's and Carlene's Thursday...he grilled burgers and Rory enjoyed hanging out outside. She is not afraid of anything (except stuffed dinosaurs) and as my brother and dad says, "she is a tough girl!" She explores and falls down all the time but just picks herself back up. Friday we stopped by Britni house and Rory enjoyed playing with her doggies and her Macaw, Harlin...we went to Auntie Reagan's house too...and her and Auntie Mere took Rory in a stroller ride down to the square while mommy watched a show Auntie Reagan had recorded for he a couple weeks before. Then we all met Mimi, Auntie Linds, and Cousin Coop for an early dinner at El Patron. Saturday Mimi took Coop and Rory to Chuck E Cheese while Mere and I went to the Shower. My mom said "SHE LOVED IT...and ran around Chuck E Cheese the whole 2 hours!" My mom also watched Rory while I attended a high school friends mom's memorial service who lost her battle with breast cancer. It was a lovely service and just reminded me how fragile and short life is. :(
Amanda came over and we ordered Chinese and went to bed by 8:30pm...Sunday my mom, Rory, and I went to see Nana, target shopping trip, and Dos Salsas for Lunch. It was a great weekend!! I love being surrounded by my family! Greg had to work this weekend....and we missed him so much. He works so hard so Rory and I can frolic around and we love and appreciate him so much.
Thank you Nana V and Papa J for letting us stay at your house!!! We enjoyed it so much! I wish I would of taken more pictures...but here are just a few. :)
A VERY BIG THANK YOU TO MIMI FOR TAKING CARE OF RORY PRETTY MUCH ALL DAY SATURDAY And helping me throughout the weekend!!! Rory loves you and spending time with you! xoxo ME TOO!!!
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