For my birthday my sweet hubby watched Rory while I met my Primrose ladies at BJ's for drinks and appetizers. A storm was upon us shortly after we arrived with hail and tornadoes. We waited out the storm but were forced to close out our tab due to the mgmt afraid people would skip out on their checks if we had to be forced into the freezer. Sirens were going off...we were watching a tornado on the news and we could see the same tornado right outside the restaurant window! It was a very exciting/scary night. Thankfully no damage done and everyone was safe. We are having another birthday/memorial day get together on Sunday with good friends, burgers, water activities for the kiddos, and patio relaxation. Greg has been working in the yard and getting his Garage "man cave" set up! :) We love hanging out in the backyard. more pics to come of that future get together.....
Friday, May 27, 2011
Birthday of Tornados :(
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Out and About....:)
Last week Rory and I stayed pretty busy...we went with Nana V to visit Great Grandma Connie, Great Grandpa Dick, Great Auntie Fran, and Great Uncle Bob. She loves being the center of attention and loves all that loving. I also took Rory to Chuck E Cheese and she LOVED IT! She enjoyed dancing with Chuck and riding all the rides. However she thought all the "balls" were hers. The basketballs, the colorful plastic balls, and the . I think we will be going to see Chuck-E often! We also spent lots of time outside this week...every morning I take Rory on a 45 minute walk around the trails in our neighborhood. We always stop to see the turtles...and now I can't go over this certain bridge without her noticing and begging (squealing) to stop. It is a precious moment...and I treasure it every morning knowing this will be a tradition and something she will remember forever. If it isn't too hot I like to take her out in the backyard for at least an hour in the afternoon. She rides in her pink coup, collects rocks, plays with Layla, helps mommy water the plants, blow bubbles, and sit at her picnic bench. I also love this time...she loves pointing and looking at the birds and she LOVES LOVES Airplanes. We don't live to far from Alliance airport so they are always flying over.
On Saturday, Rory and I went to Nana V and Papa J's for the day. Aaron, Linds, and some of there friends came to to town to hang out by the pool. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed lunch, snacks, and relaxing! Greg came over too after work and they grilled fajitas!! Rory loves the pool!!! :) I love seeing Rory around family...she is so loved. :)
Friday, May 20, 2011
And we have figured out how to climb and stand on the chimney...however...getting down is another story...
Perhaps it was me encouraging her to climb the stairs at the shower last weekend....but Rory has figured out how to climb on to the chimney and then reaches for my help when she can't get down. We continue to pull her off...hopefully eventually she will get the picture. (or she will fall and hit her head and never go near it again....)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Georgetown Trip
We made a quick trip to Georgetown/Austin for my cousins baby shower. We enjoyed delicious meals cooked by Dad and Carlene and enjoyed hanging out on the patio Friday and Saturday night. Saturday during the day the girls went to the baby shower and lunch and Greg played golf with his Dad and Aaron. It was a good trip and as always we love hanging out with the family! :)
We can't wait to meet Baby Jaxson in August! :)
Monday, May 9, 2011
What a Great Weekend!!!
We had a great weekend! We started off by going to the Rangers/Yankees game...Greg received tickets through work and we were able to watch the game in a suite. It was perfect for Rory!! She loved listening to the music and dancing...and when she didn't want to sit on our laps anymore she just roamed the suite. It was a great time...and she really enjoyed her first Ranger Game! On Saturday, Nana V and Papa J took Rory for the afternoon while Greg and I went to the movies and had a great dinner at Kirby's with great friends for his 30Th birthday!! It was SO nice!!! On Mothers Day, Greg, Rory, and I went to church..(mothers day is ALWAYS an awesome one) and then we headed to Azle for swimming and a delicious brunch with Nana V and Papa J! It was a great weekend...and a wonderful Mothers Day!!!
Happy Mothers Day to Mimi and Nana V!!! You are such a blessing to us!! We love y'all!!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Happy Birthday Daddy!!! :)
We had a quiet (if there can be one of those) dinner at home to celebrate Greg's 30th birthday!!! I made a favorite of his "Italian Grilled Cheese and Tomato Sandwiches" and we enjoyed the most delicious cupcakes from a new bakery down the street. We were not really thinking and gave Rory a bath just before we sat down for our cupcakes. Needless to say she had a "baby wipe" bath afterwards and probably was licking icing of her arms and hands throughout the night. :) FYI SHE LOVED IT and was licking her fingers like crazy making sure to get every last drop. She loves to smack those lips when she taste something she likes! :) We are going out to dinner (Trulucks) this Saturday with friends to celebrate too!!!
I was searching the house trying to find a lighter/matches to light the candle on Greg's cupcake. After about 10 minutes of searching greg said, " really babe don't worry about it." I said..."We have to sing "happy birthday" to show her traditions." We finally found a lighter and sang the "happy birthday" song...of course she clapped and smiled really big thinking it was all for her. I LOVE HER!!!!
Happy Birthday to Daddy/Babe!! We love you!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Rory's Baby Dedication
This past weekend Rory had her Baby Dedication at church. It was a special day and a special weekend. We started off the weekend by having a delicious lunch at BJ's where Rory could enjoy her favorite food. Then we all came back to our house and the Grandma's, Aunties, and Uncle Aaron watched Rory while Greg and I went to the parent class for the baby dedication. It was a great class...and we were taught how to pray for our sweet Rory using Scripture, we also took a communion together as a couple and read the story of Hannah. It was a nice class and actually felt like a date since we haven't been out together alone in a while. :) We came back to the house and enjoyed staying up late (10pm) hanging out with the fam!! On Sunday we all headed to church and enjoyed a wonderful service and Rory's Dedication to God. A few highlights....
1) it was at 11:15am right during Rory's nap time/lunch and she was very restless...trying to get down, not wanting to be held etc. I gave her my necklace which she began to swing around hitting me and the people near us.
2) she then pinched a little girl in front of us (the mother was unaware) the little girl turned around and all I kept saying in my head was "please don't cry" I began laughing and smiling at the little girl...trying to distract her from the pain of Rory's tiny nails. She bought it...thankfully!
All in all she did a great job, and even gave the crowd a BIG BIG grin when everyone began clapping...i could just here the voice in her head..."All this for me...oh stop oh no...clap some more."
After the service we all went to Kincaid's for a delicious lunch! Thank you to my Mom, Reagan, Auntie Linds, and Uncle Aaron for making to trip! And for everyone else who attended this special day for us...We love you all!
Here is the scripture we chose for Rory Grace:
Ephesians 3: 17-19
"That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God."
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