Last week one of my best friends Kelli (she owns an in home daycare) asked me to sub for her for a week while she was in Florida! We had so much fun playing with Noble and Elisa. Rory was worn out everyday...she had so much fun. She has started with the tantrums...and LOVES LOVES LOVES being outside. We go outside often...however when we come back inside she becomes very upset. (she also through a tantrum for the first time in Walmart when I had to take the graham cracker box away from her to scan at the self check out) Good times! Note to not do self check when you have a lot of groceries and a baby....i was frantically trying to find a pacifier in my purse and swipe my card at the same time to get the heck out of there) I am rambling........Anyways....we had a great week at Little Sprouts....we took lots of walks to the park, played in the kiddie pool, and Rory LOVED watching Elisa and I play soccer...everytime the ball hit the fence she laughed and smiled so big. I love how easily entertained my sweet pea is! :) Here are some pics from our week at Little Sprouts. :)
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