We had a nice relaxing 4th of July weekend! Daddy was at the golf course most of the weekend.(only a few more days till vacation) On Saturday, Rory, Maddie, Amanda, and I headed to Nana V and Papa J's for a day of swimming! It was so nice! Sunday...Rory and I went to church and then did a little shopping for our trip to California! Sadly..I have been out of town every weekend in June and it was so nice to go to church on Sunday. I love our church and every time I leave I am so pumped about God and all the things he is doing in our lives. Rory also loves her nursery teachers too! It makes me sad to think if we ever moved...Northwood would be so hard to leave. :( On Monday (the actual 4th) Rory and I did a bit more shopping for our trip and then we met Daddy at Central Market for dinner and headed to the golf course. Every year that we have lived here (except for one) this has been our 4th of July tradition (because Daddy usual works on the 4th)! Coop has always been a part of this tradition (we missed him) but we had a wonderful 4th! While waiting for the fireworks we played on the golf course....it was a special moment i will never forget...just being out there in the quiet outdoors...Rory running around, just us three together...it was just so special! Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! Thank you to all our service men and woman...past, present, and future for providing us protection and freedom to spend these holidays with our families! :)
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