We had a busy weekend! Friday night Greg's boss Brandon invited us over for dinner. They had Mi Chula's catered and we all had a delicious dinner by the fire pit. They have four sweet kiddos who entertained Miss Rory Grace! Beau (his wife Christen, and their baby Harper), and Brock also came over! They also work at Vaquero. It was a fun family night and Rory loved the trampoline and Baby Harper. :) Rory and I went to the Senior Center Saturday morning while Daddy was at work. When he got home we met the Snyder's for an early dinner at Central Market. Colton and Rory loved playing on the playground! We then went to one of my favorite places in the world YOGURTLAND! Deliciousness!
This morning Rory and I went to Church...and this afternoon my wonderful husband is going to watch Rory while I meet Amanda for the Academy Award Nominee movie...Joyful Noise. That's right I am not afraid to admit it....i love a good Queen Latifah movie! Have you seen Last Holiday? And you know I will be singing in the aisle's like I did when I saw Sister Act 2! :)
I haven't talked to u all weekend! Good thing u have this blog so I know u have just been busy and not avoiding ur sister!, love u