We have had a bit of sickness around the house the last few days....:(
On Wednesday I took Rory up to my friend Jamie's first grade classroom...I knew something was up when she didn't drink her blue coconut slush and she didn't want to color or play with the kids. :( We came home and she had a fever of 102. She immediately fell asleep and was cuddly the rest of the day. She sat on my lap for a whole movie...which is crazy in itself. She had a fever off and on through the night even reaching 103...we gave her sponge baths and fever reducers which worked only temporarily.
We took her to the doctor on Thursday, where he said her throat was red with sores. He did a strep screen.. negative. He looked at her feet and hands...which she has excema and it has flaired up since we have been playing outside a bunch the last couple of weeks. He said "i would say this is hand,foot,and mouth...but their aren't any blisters."
He sent us home and told us to just keep doing what we were doing....her fever broke yesterday. AND THE BLISTERS BEGAN POPPING UP! She is her happy self again...but still holds her mouth and whines when taking a drink/eating. The rash should be gone soon! We are just glad to have our happy, spunky, Rory Grace back! (not going to lie though...we did enjoy all the snuggles)
Thank you to Daddy who watched Rory while I went to one of my last MOPS meetings this morning! I know she missed going and her teacher said she missed her!
My poor little angel! Glad she doesn't have fever anymore though!