Sunday, June 5, 2011

Galveston Trip with the Davis Family

The pictures say it all....we had an absolute WONDERFUL time this weekend!! It was much needed and so relaxing...Thank you to Nate and Misty for being such wonderful Hosts!! We love y'all!
Above: The play set that Nate's mommy bought for the kiddos to play! They enjoyed it and so did the parents! :)
yeah...we made it to the beach....i love the birdies!!:)
this pic cracks me up...Nate had to work on Friday so Greg was in charge of carrying all of our beach equipment...such a good beach daddy!
taking a quick rest on the race track :)
just quenching my thirst so I can go back and play :)
just give me one kiss....please Noah!!
loving the waves with daddy
chasing the birds :)
we love our peanut and she loved the beach!
playing in the pool :)
playing with the sippy cup drawer...genius idea Misty!
kids are asleep...grilling and relaxing on the patio!
:) our wonderful Hosts
Noah pushing Miss Rory!
I am ready...let's do this! :)
sitting in my sand chair that my daddy made! shortly before realizing in comes apart...:)
group photo!
relaxing at the pool while Rory rests in the stroller :)
playing in the water falls :)
strolling the strand with a drink in hand :)
the boys waiting outside the stores while we shop around :)
we got to see and feed a "real" horsey...
at dinner at a yummy Greek restaurant on the water....
eating crayons for dinner....hey whatever keeps her entertained :)
this pic was taken just after Noah let out a big cute!!
the boys left dinner a little early just as the kids were loosing their cool....
playing on the play set...a nightly ritual :)
Thank you Nate and Misty!! We had a wonderful time! And Thank you to Jamie Lynn for watching our dogs all weekend! love you all!


  1. The picture of the pack mule, I mean Greg, still makes me laugh!

  2. So cute!!! We really miss you guys!!
