Thursday, November 7, 2013

They say Bad things come in Three's...We are in the clear..hopefully!!

We have had a rough few weeks at the Hammerlun House....Rory got the CROUP, ER Visit, Rory Got Better, Rylee Got the CROUP, Daddy in a car accident (daddy not), Rylee Gets a Stomach Virus lots of vomiting, Rylee gets better, Rory gets a stomach virus, however...I would rather them be sick now then later when the Holiday Fun Begins.

*Rory kept saying she had to poop yesterday afternoon...but wouldn't. (I think her tummy was hurting and that is what she thought it was) So we are in the carpool line to get Lauren and she projectile vomits all in the car. All over the back of the seat..some of which landed in my hair. She is hysterical...Lauren has her head hanging out the window. It was a memory that's for sure! She dry heaved most of the night....just when I thought she was feeling better. She vomits water all over the car this morning on the way to take daddy to work. POOR BABY!! I am sanitizing the house today and we are snuggling up and watching Christmas Movies.

* I will say this I have never loved my hubby more then Monday night when the virus first hit and Rylee vomited her yummy dinner (peas, mandarin oranges, and spaghetti) all over me (and later all in the bed). He wiped both of us down and did everything he could to make both of us better. I looked at him and thought this is what it is all about having a "partner" who is with you through all the mess and you get through things together. I love him so much!!! And I appreciate him more during these times then ever. God Truly Blessed me with Mr. Greg!!

*I'm going to PRAY that Rory is the end of the virus and it doesn't infect Greg or I.

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