Monday, October 4, 2010

Aunite Linds comes to visit, Ladies night, and the Pumpkin Patch :)

Auntie Linds decided to come and visit this weekend! Greg had to work so i really enjoyed her company and she watched Rory while i got to take a couple of naps! I forgot what those were like. We went shopping on Saturday and went to the Pizza Inn for lunch! Linds and I had so much fun shopping for Rory. Later that night we had a ladies night out with some teachers from work. Daddy took care of Rory. Thank you honey! We had such a fun time! Thank you linds for coming to visit! :)

On Sunday we went to Church and then Greg had to go back up to the golf course so Rory and I decided to join him! She took her first (of many) golf cart rides and enjoyed looking at all the different things! She loves to be outside. Then we went to the Pumpkin Patch and picked out a mommy, daddy, and baby pumpkin! (Yes I am that cheesy!) I have always dreamed of having a child and doing fun festive holiday things! This pumpkin patch adventure was a dream come true! :)

I just wanna squeeze those cheekies!

again with the cheeks! :)

Shopping trip to Walmart. Rory got a new umbrella stroller for our trip to San Antonio next weekend!

Auntie Linds :)

Ladies night! Linds, me, Mrs. Kelli, and Ms. Ava...Great Friends and Good Times. :)
Taking a Golf cart ride :)
The pumpkin patch :)
can you feel the tension? Greg is such a good sport he will do anything to make me laugh/smile...this being one of them. He underestimated how fast this bounce house slide was and he came flying down. The left hand you cant see was trying to grasp at anything to slow him down. It was very humorous and I was bent over laughing. Rory wasn't too impressed by this event either! Good times :)

Pumpkin Patch! Welcome Fall! :)
Greg was in South Carolina last week for a few days so my dear friend Jamie Lynn came over to keep me company! Rory loves her and was instantly attached! Can you feel the love? She even reached out to her for some love which she only does with a select few! She loves her Aunt Jamie. :)

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