Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Auntie Linds and Cousin Addie Come to Visit

Testing out Rylee's crib :)

so stinkin cute!! They love each other!

Aunt Linds taking care of Miss Rory at Let's Jump

This was towards the end...I think she jumped herself into a tired little girl ready for a nap! :)

Yeah for Auntie Linds! :)
*I can't figure out how to rotate the pic. I really need to take a blog class.

Met Daddy for Lunch at Schlotsky's

:) Such happy girls!
Linds and I switched Kiddo's at Let's Jump. Linds chased Rory around the whole time and I got to sit and hold sweet Addi. Thank you Auntie Linds! :)

Rory, "CHEESE!"
Baby Addi, "Help me!" lol
Linds and Addi came up to visit us for a few days and we loved having them. I made a pasta dinner one night and then Linds spoiled us with a delicious chicken enchilada dish! It was amazing. They also went with me to my doctor's appointment and we met Greg for lunch. Then we headed to Let's Jump where Linds got quite the work out chasing/jumping with Rory. We also went up to Denton to visit Grandma and Grandma Mullins. The girls had so much fun with each other! Thank you for everything Linds...your visit meant so much to us! xoxo 

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