Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Laying Low

Auntie Ray Ray has been asking for a blog entry and some here are a few from the last week!! We have been laying low and not doing much...went yesterday to doctor and Miss. Rylee seems to be very happy right where she is because nothing has changed. My actual due date is Friday...then they will give me one more week and will talk about inducing. I AM SOOO READY!! Rory has been pretty much running the roost around you can see we never wear clothes around the house and when we go out...miss fashionista chooses her own wardrobe!! Yesterday was picture day at school...we drove to school naked (underwear only) and then I proceeded to change our little diva in the car into her "picture" day outfit. She was kicking and screaming...I successfully won. However, I looked up to find a lady sitting in her car across from us observing this whole mess. Who knows what she thought! The horn was honking from Rory's arching can only imagine the scenario. I can't wait to see the PICS and hopefully that battle was worth fighting!! Love my little boo boo....she sure does keep me on my toes!! XOXO

my daddy's headband!

Painting Pumpkins!!

Painting Rory!!

Coloring Rory

My Outifit to go Shopping with Mommy!!


  1. love it, thanks lay! This story cracks me up,I can just picture all the Rory chaos.:))

  2. I feel like I am reading a day in the life of the Davis house, 5 months ago. I feel for you Lacey!!!!! Just let her run the roost for the next few weeks...Noah sure did until Lillie was about 6 weeks old...then the mean ol' mommy reined him back in when I finally had the energy & hormones were in check!
