Saturday, April 17, 2010

Taking a Bath before school
About to leave for school.....we just can't keep these socks on! :)

Mrs. Flori her lead teacher....:)

Rory had her first week at school. She did a wonderful job and her teachers marked happy, friendly, and curious on her daily sheet for everyday. I only cried one day and it was just for a brief moment I think PMS had something to do with it. Not looking forward to those days again. ha ha. I have my two good friends Mrs. Kelli and Ms. Garcia checking on her for me when I am unable to leave the class. (my secret spies) Her teacher Mrs. Flori is wonderful! I was also so proud of Rory for not screaming in her car seat all week! She is such a good girl. :)

1 comment:

  1. She has gotten so BIG! Cute, Cute, Cute!!
