Thursday, January 12, 2012

Potty Training

We have introduced Rory to the whole "big girl potty." We don't want to push to soon, but she seems to be enjoying it. For about an hour a day (after she has done the #2..i don't want to clean that mess up) we put her little undies on and set a timer every 10 minutes we take her to the Tinkerbell toilet and she sits on it and we encourage the #1. We only do this for an hour because by the last 10 minutes she is buckling her legs and squealing...i think she is thinking.."We are doing this again?"
She hasn't gone to the bathroom in the Tinkerbell toilet yet...but she also hasn't had any accidents within those training hours. That's a start!! I try to keep her on the hard wood floors as much as I can when she has those ADORABLE little undies on.
She has mastered the concept of "wiping" and uses a roll of toilet paper within a couple of days! She peels the toilet paper from the roll, wipes, says EEEWW!, throws it in the trash, grabs another piece, and the cycle continues. Hey...she can do whatever she wants as long as her toosh is on the toilet. :)
I am sure everyone wants to know about these wonderful little details!! ENJOY!


  1. i'm sooo jealous. Noah isn't even close to thinking about it, and I don't think he will be until at least the fall. ugh.

  2. That's the cutesy pick, can't swift witness all this Tom!

  3. Ok sorry, I didn't zoom in on my IPad, what I said was..... That's the cutesy pic, I can't wait to witness all this Tom!
