Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Reward System....

While the 2's for Rory were all about getting into things....the 3's are all about being sassy and not doing things we are supposed to be doing. So I have made a reward system. (Amanda shared this with me from something she found on Pinterest.) 

1) Good day at school. (good drop off/ pick up)
2) Feed the dogs.
3) Sweet Sister. (sharing toys with Rylee..who is on the verge of crawling and then its going to be a whole different ball game with the toys)
4) Cleaning room/pick up toys
6) Staying at the table till dinner/lunch/breakfast is over.
7) Brush Teeth. (I should say...listening when getting ready for bed.)

For each task she completes or we see her completing....she gets to take a few pieces from that specific mason jar and put them in the empty mason jar. When the empty Mason Jar is filled she gets to take a trip to BARNES AND NOBLE and pick out a book. This idea sounds so good in theory...I will let you know how it works out. :)


  1. update: had a great day at school, and was begging to brush her teeth far so good. Hopefully the excitement continues!! She however did not sit at the table for dinner and when she couldn't put the shells in the B&N jar she hung her head low. :( poor thing...but maybe tommorow she will. :)

  2. What a great idea! Good luck!

  3. We use a similar concept...just one jar and we randomly give him pom poms to put in it when he is doing something nice. We are on our 3rd jar & he still gets excited about it. Good luck!
